This subliminal contains positive affirmations for:
- Achieve anything you set your mind to
- Be resilient
- Become the best version of yourself
- Be an open channel for happiness
- Feel safe
- Feel worthy
- Feel loved
- Feel grateful for everything you have
- Feel proud of yourself for everything you have overcome
- Forgive yourself and others
- Fully experience emotions
- Have the power to change your life
- It’s okay to slow down and rest
- Love yourself unconditionally
- Limitless joy
- Peace of mind
- Release negative thoughts and feelings
- Honor yourself and your strengths
- You are enough
🎧 Works with or without headphones
Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery
Indian people can buy this Audio from Bandcamp
25 Affirmations for When You’re Feeling Down - Subliminal