This subliminal contains positive affirmations for:
- Achieve inner peace
- All problems have solutions
- Attract peaceful and calm people into your life
- Be now in control
- Be brave
- Be cool, calm, and collected
- Be capable of solving any problems
- Become free of anything that weighs you down
- Be strong
- Be loved and supported
- Be capable of handling anything
- Be 100% relaxed at this very moment
- Be relaxed in all situations
- Every cell in your body has a positive vibration
- Feel relaxed
- Feel safe
- Feel okay right now
- Freedom from stress
- Feel light and calm
- Feel deeply calm and relaxed
- Get rid of the feelings of panic from your body
- Know that problems are temporary
- Overcome anxiety
- Overcome any obstacle
- Peace and positive energy
- Relax each part of your body
- Remove stress from your life
- The peace that you need is inside you
- The power is in your hands
- There is always a solution
🎧 Works with or without headphones
Listen at a medium or lower (comfortable) volume
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery
Indian people can buy this Audio from Bandcamp
70 Healing Affirmations For Anxiety - Subliminal